Beginners’ Course

Want to learn to skate on quad skates and try what that much-talked-out roller derby feels like?

The next beginners’ course will start at autumn 2024. The cost of the 10-times beginners’ course is 70 €. Equipment rental 30 €.

Beginners’ courses are held a few times a year as low-entry courses that practice skating techniques with quad skates and the basics of Roller Derby. The course teaches the basics, rules, and skating techniques of Roller Derby from the very beginning. No previous sporting background, skating skills, or knowledge of Roller Derby rules is required. After the course and minimum skills tests, the participants can train for the joint training of the whole club. The age limit for the course is 16 years.

The beginner’s course is implemented ten times as a course. After the course, you will have the opportunity to join the Kallio recreational team and participate in the games.

Sign up for next course

Ikäraja 16 vuotta / age limit 16 years
Valitse luistimissa kengänkokosi tai pienempi koko, koska luistimet ovat käytettyjä. Varustevuokra on 30€ . Vahvistamme vuokravarusteiden saatavuuden ennen kurssia, vuokravarusteet jaetaan ilmoittautumisjärjestyksessä.
/ Please select your "smallest" size, because the skates are used. The rent is 30€. We will confirm the availability of rental equipment before the course, rental equipment will be distributed in the order of registration.
Suojat ja kypärät ovat käytettyjä, tule ajoissa paikan päälle ennen tapahtumaa/treenejä niin etsimme sinulle sopivimmat varusteet.
Tässä voit kertoa asioita, jotka valmentajien olisi hyvä tietää & kysymyksiä valmentajille / Personal information that the coaches should be aware of, or questions to the coaches